The Lui Diaz Podcast
The Lui Diaz Podcast
29. The Launch of Ordinary Miracle with Natasha Ejaz & Rishabh Rajan

29. The Launch of Ordinary Miracle with Natasha Ejaz & Rishabh Rajan

In this Episode of The Lui Diaz Podcast, you’ll Natasha Ejaz and Rishabh Rajan who introduce themselves and their collaborative debut album Ordinary Miracle aka Heeray Moti.

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The two South-Asian musical trailblazers will take us all the way back to the beginning of their 15-year journey as both collaborators and friends and give us a firm understanding of the depths reached in their creative partnership after having worked together, overcome obstacles and made magic over such a long period of time.

And magic they have made! As the Ying to each other’s Yang, Rishabh and Natasha give us insight into how their individual creative processes combine to make this album a truly spectacular listen.

Making this magical album meant embracing the natural imperfections encountered while recording an independent album, taking their audience on a sonic journey filled with quirk and character, building replicas of ancient instruments from scratch and even the emergence of Natasha the rapper.

But beyond the production challenges and discoveries, we explore the personal, political, and social obstacles that had to be overcome. Add to that, not only was this album put together on a shoestring budget but the fact that this talented duo happen to be based on opposite sides of the globe, makes the completion of this album nothing short of an ordinary miracle.

Thank you once again for listening, where ever you are, I see you, thank you 🙏

You can connect with Natasha and Rishabh via Instagram @natashaoninsta and @rishabhrajan and be sure to follow Natasha Humera Ejaz on Spotify where you’ll find her incredible new album ‘Ordinary Miracle’.

Once again, thanks for listening to The Lui Diaz Podcast! If you like this episode, please share it with your friends and leave us a review :)

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The Lui Diaz Podcast
The Lui Diaz Podcast
Inspiring adventure stories and fireside chats with Lui Diaz and guests ✌️