The Lui Diaz Podcast
The Lui Diaz Podcast
7. Remembering with Hamaima

7. Remembering with Hamaima

A spiritual journey from show-jumping to plant medicine
Hamaima from Lago de Atitlan

There’s something mysterious about how some people transition their lives from the everyday ordinary to the extraordinary.

In this episode, Hamaima, her spiritual name which means where the heart of the universe is born’, takes us on a journey of Remembering.

Joining us all the way from Lago de Atitlan, in Guatemala’s southwestern highlands, Hamaima recounts her path out of an extraordinarily challenging upbringing and into a life of healing, starting from her life as a professional show-jumper in rural Germany to facilitating Shamanic Cacao Ceremonies and much, much more.

On a personal note, Hamaima is incredibly charming, and her calm and loving energy captivates me every time we interact ❤️

To learn more about Hamaima and her powerful practices, please head over to and connect with her on Instagram - @hamaimalove

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The Lui Diaz Podcast
The Lui Diaz Podcast
Inspiring adventure stories and fireside chats with Lui Diaz and guests ✌️